Our Food Pantry is currently in need non-perishable food items. They may be dropped off at the Parish Office (M-F, 9AM-3PM) or placed in the shopping baskets in the church vestibule. Thank you for being His hands and feet!
Our church parking lot spaces (on the St. Charles House side) are designed to accommodate 2 cars parked one-behind-the-other. If you are the first to enter the space, please pull all the way in so that another car may park behind you.
We are seeking a Facilities Coordinator for the Pastorate of St. Charles Borromeo and St. Gabriel. This person will be responsible for coordinating maintenance, care, and repair for our buildings and properties. Click here to find the job description and online application, or contact the Parish Office for more details.
Each year, the members of St. Charles band together to reach out to the less fortunate in our community at Christmas time through our Giving Tree outreach. Click to learn about supporting many local ministries. Gifts must be received by December 3rd.
Come join us as we gather to give thanks to God for all his blessings and to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mass for the Pastorate on Thursday, November 23 at 9AM. Bring the bread and/or wine to be shared at your Thanksgiving table for a blessing!
The long-anticipated repairs and restoration of our Historic Church have commenced just in time for the beginning of the year-long celebration of our 175th anniversary of St. Charles Borromeo Parish. Click for updates and ways that you can help!
Our annual Spiritual Adoption program began on October 7/8. Pledge and prayer cards were in the pews at all Masses. Will you pledge to pray daily for a baby in danger of abortion? The child may be unknown to you, but God knows this child!
Bring your work gloves, rakes, etc. on Saturday, October 28 from 9 AM - noon and help us to beautify our church grounds before our 175th anniversary celebrations begin! No experience necessary. Pray for a sunny morning this time!
Our Traditional Choir is back after their summer hiatus. Please consider being a part of the music ministry here at St. Charles. We meet at 3:00 PM on Saturdays and sing at the 4:00 PM Mass.
We celebrate the welcoming and diverse spirit of our St. Charles Community each Pentecost and throughout the year! Click to watch the video made by the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Our Daily Morning Mass is celebrated in the Rectory Basement Meeting Room while renovations are underway in the church. Weekend Masses will continue to be held in the church throughout the renovations.
Tuesday, August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be offered at St. Charles at 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM, and 7:30 PM on August 15 in the church.
Our Knights of Columbus will collect business suits and dress shirts for men putting their lives back together after addiction, incarceration or unemployment: Tuesday, July 11 from 6:30 – 7:00 PM in the front of Holy Family's parish hall. Click to learn more!
Archbishop Lori has appointed Rev. Rodney Eugene to Associate Pastor for the Pastorate of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Pikesville and St. Gabriel Parish, Woodlawn effective August 1, 2023. We look forward to Fr. Rodney's ministry in our communities!
Archbishop William Lori has appointed Seminarian Iyeli "Bienvenu" Ilanga for a year of pastoral experience at St. Charles Borromeo. He is studying at Saint Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore and will start with us on June 5, 2023. Welcome, Bienvenu!
A Novena of Masses will be offered for fathers—both living and deceased—beginning on Father's Day, Sunday, June 18. Please submit the names of those you wish to be remembered at the altar to the Parish Office by Friday, June 16.
Do you have an upcoming wedding anniversary? On the 2nd Sunday of every month, Fr. Canisius will offer a blessing upon married couples who are celebrating an anniversary during that month.
Please contact us with the names of parishioners who are graduating from elementary / middle / high school / college / university this spring. Names will be included in the June 11 (Corpus Christi) bulletin. Congratulations, graduates!
We will have a baby shower on Sunday, June 4 in the rectory basement with coffee and donuts after the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. We will honor the work of two local pregnancy centers this year; please click to learn how you can help them with a gift.