Archbishop Lori has appointed Rev. Rodney Eugene to Associate Pastor for the Pastorate of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Pikesville and St. Gabriel Parish, Woodlawn effective August 1, 2023. We look forward to Fr. Rodney's ministry in our communities!
Archbishop William Lori has appointed Seminarian Iyeli "Bienvenu" Ilanga for a year of pastoral experience at St. Charles Borromeo. He is studying at Saint Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore and will start with us on June 5, 2023. Welcome, Bienvenu!
A Novena of Masses will be offered for fathers—both living and deceased—beginning on Father's Day, Sunday, June 18. Please submit the names of those you wish to be remembered at the altar to the Parish Office by Friday, June 16.
Our Wednesday 7PM Mass is celebrated in Spanish. Confessions are heard before Mass, beginning at 6PM. (Nuestra misa de los miércoles a las 7 p.m. ahora se celebra en español.) Starting JUNE 2023: to be held at St. Gabriel Parish in Woodlawn.
Do you have an upcoming wedding anniversary? On the 2nd Sunday of every month, Fr. Canisius will offer a blessing upon married couples who are celebrating an anniversary during that month.
Please contact us with the names of parishioners who are graduating from elementary / middle / high school / college / university this spring. Names will be included in the June 11 (Corpus Christi) bulletin. Congratulations, graduates!
We will have a baby shower on Sunday, June 4 in the rectory basement with coffee and donuts after the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. We will honor the work of two local pregnancy centers this year; please click to learn how you can help them with a gift.