Join us on Sunday, May 28 after the 11:00 AM Mass! PRAY together at our multi-lingual Mass; EAT ethnic foods together; SING and DANCE to music from around the world; CELEBRATE our Multi-Cultural heritage together. Click to learn more!!!
Veteran funeral directors Mike and Tracey Carpenter will be at St. Charles on Monday, May 22 at 7PM to discuss the importance and practicality of pre-planning the details of one's eventual funeral. This worthwhile presentation is FREE and open to the public.
We are planning a commemorative booklet to document the 25 years since Mary Jane Klein's book on the history of St. Charles. A research assistant is needed to help with tracking down information, pictures, and documents. Click for details.
A Novena of Masses will be offered for mothers—both living and deceased—beginning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14. Please submit the names of those you wish to be remembered at the altar to the Parish Office by Friday, May 12.
The St. Charles Legion of Mary invites you to pray the Holy Rosary with them in church after the 8:30 AM Mass each Sunday morning. Not familiar with the rosary devotion? Members of the Legion will be happy to guide you!
Tim Fish, the Chair of our Parish Pastoral Council, gives us an update about our Pastorate with St. Gabriel in Windsor Mill, the renovation of the church, and plans for our 175th anniversary year! Click to read Tim's full update.
Archbishop Lori has officially appointed Fr. Canisius as the Pastor of St. Gabriel Parish, Woodlawn while continuing as Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Pikesville, effective July 1, 2023 — activating the two parish communities to become a Pastorate.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. We have a very active CDA group and a Junior CDA group right here at St. Charles! Click to learn about us.