We will have a Holy Hour in honor of St. Charles Borromeo on Friday, November 4 from 6:00 – 7:00 PM. Please join Deacon Steve as we celebrate the patron saint of our parish!
Mass for All Souls Day will be celebrated at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 2. We will remember especially all those who were buried from St. Charles over the past year by lighting a candle in their memory. All are invited to attend.
Each fall, as a parish community, we embrace a season of giving and come together as a unified people to help strengthen our parish, its ministries, and charitable outreach efforts, by pledging our support for weekly Offertory.
We will have a stand-alone Basket Raffle for Advent. Baskets will be on display in the rectory, and tickets will be sold after Masses the 1st 2 December weekends. We want a broad array of baskets; let us know if you would like to do one!
Come one, come all... use your voice to glorify God! The Choir sings every Saturday. We meet at 3PM for rehearsal and then sing for the 4PM Mass. If you are new to the choir, contact Homeretta Ayala or simply show up for rehearsal!
October is the month of the Holy Rosary and of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please join the members of our Legion of Mary after the 8:30 AM Mass every Sunday in October as they gather in the church for the recitation of the Holy Rosary.
Spiritual Adoption prayer cards are available in the back of the church until October 31. Please provide the info on the LEFT side of the card, tear it off, and return it to the basket. If you cannot get to church, call Jeanette at 443-416-6626.
Online registration continues for our K-8 Religious Education Program, which resumed on Sunday, September 18. We also need a few catechists to teach our children! Click for more details and to register your children for faith formation.
Did you know that we have a Lost and Found in the church? If you have lost something, we may have found it! Check the Lost and Found basket, located on the bottom shelf of the entryway table (to your right) as you enter the church.
Pikesville Precinct 4 of the Baltimore County Police Department is partnering with St. Charles parish to serve our neighbors in need. You can help by bringing food items for the Pantry on Faith & Blue Weekend (Oct. 8/9). Click for full details.