Join us for updates at our Parish Town Hall in the church after all Masses on December 4 & 5. We will discuss the state of our parish, the work of the Pastoral Council, facilities and finances, Synod 2021-2023, and our journeying together.
Come join us as we gather to give thanks to God for all his blessings and to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mass on Thursday, November 25 at 9AM. Bring the bread and/or wine to be shared at your Thanksgiving table for a blessing!
Individuals/families are needed to light the first candle on our Advent wreath at Masses on November 27/28. If you or your family would like to participate, please contact the Parish Office by Monday, November 22 to sign up.
Join us on Saturday, November 13 at 9AM as we clear ivy from the parish grounds and prepare for a Respect Life Garden. Bring your gloves and yard tools and help us make the St. Charles grounds a place of blooming flowers and abuzz with life!
In commemoration of our parish's Feast Day (November 4), we will offer a special blessing for all who serve in a parish ministry at all Masses on the weekend of November 6/7. Join us as we pray for God's continued graces on your ministry!