Saint Charles Borromeo Church is in need of new adult members for our
Parish Pastoral Council. These women and men will join the returning council members in advising the pastor and shaping our shared vision as a faith community. There is work to be done, and the mission of our parish needs to continue. The terms of service for several of the members on our pastoral council have expired. It is vital that we, as a church community come together, talk about who we are as church, and how we work together as we move into the future.
Please prayerfully consider sharing your time and talent, along with others who serve on the council. I kindly ask that you consider serving our parish in this way.
Submit names of parishioners whom you believe have one or more of the gifts needed for parish leadership. They will be contacted to inform them that they have been nominated and will be invited to participate in an upcoming information session. They will then have the option to remain in the selection process.
Leader should have the following characteristics:
Desire for spiritual growth in themselves and their parish
Willingness to listen and to speak honestly, and to work towards consensus
Ability to inspire and empower others, and to delegate tasks effectively
Flexibility and openness with people and new ideas
In order to be considered for the ministry of Parish Council, a parishioner must:
Be a baptized, confirmed Catholic, who is a registered member of St. Charles Borromeo
Participate in the ongoing life of worship of our parish—especially the Sunday Eucharist
Be at least 20 years of age
Thank you for prayerfully considering this important parish ministry and for all that you do to support the mission of the Gospel in and around our wonderful faith community. It’s good for us to remember that God brings forth gifts from those whom we might least expect. Including ourselves.
Fr. Canisius
** Please forward your nominations to the parish office by Monday, October 4 **